前沿新材料(new materials)-j9九游

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前沿新材料(new materials)

  产业发展方向主要为“5 3”产业体系,即5类半导体材料:光刻胶、电子特气、湿电子化学品、cmp抛光材料、先进封装材料;3种高端化工新材料:电解液原材料、pi、环氧树脂。该产业不以经济效益为主要导向,聚焦发展国内尚无或尚未大规模量产、属于小批量中试阶段、解决“卡脖子”问题的高端电子化学品项目,构建“特色鲜明、主业突出、链条清晰、竞争力一流”的产业体系,全力建设“国际先进、国内一流”的创新示范基地和高端产业集群。

the shenshan special cooperation zone will mainly focus on the “5 3” industrial system, which includes five types of semiconductor materials: photoresist, electronic specialty gases, wet electronic chemicals, cmp polishing materials, and advanced packaging materials, as well as three types of high-end chemical new materials: raw materials for electrolyte, pi, and epoxy resin. instead of pursuing economic benefits as the orientation, this industry focuses on both the development of high-end electronic chemical projects which are not yet available or not yet in large-scale mass production domestically, and on those in the small-scale pilot stages, solving the “bottleneck” problems. the cooperation zone will build an industrial system with “distinctive features, prominent main businesses, clear chains, and first-class competitiveness,” and strive to build an innovative demonstration base and high-end industrial cluster that is “advanced in the international arena and first-class in the domestic arena.”


